Thursday, October 26, 2017

October 30th-November 2nd 2017

October 30th-November 2nd 2017

Monday: Grammar: 94 Review A
Tuesday: Grammar: 95 ex 4: Creative Writing Journal #9
Wednesday: Grammar: 95-97 ex 5
Thursday: Spelling Packet 9 Due and Quiz

Monday: Grammar: 103 ex 5
Tuesday: Grammar: 103-104 Review A: YES CURRENT EVENT
Wednesday: Grammar: 104 Review B
Thursday: Spelling Packet 9 Due and Quiz

ENGLISH 1:  Grammar: Verb Handout 3
Tuesday: Grammar:Verb Handout 4: YES CURRENT EVENT 
Wednesday: Grammar: Verb Handout 5
Thursday: Spelling Packet 9 Due and Quiz

Monday: Grammar: 67-68 ex 11
Tuesday: Grammar: 68-69 ex 12
Wednesday: Grammar: 69 ex 13 YES CURRENT EVENT 
Thursday: Spelling Packet 9 Due and Quiz

Monday: Grammar: Preposition Handout 2
Tuesday: Grammar: Preposition Handout 3
Wednesday: Grammar: 69-71 Review F: NO Current Event 
Thursday: Spelling Packet 9 Due and Quiz

Friday, October 20, 2017

October 23rd-26th 2017

OCTOBER 23rd-26th 2017

Monday: Grammar: 91 ex 1
Tuesday: Grammar: 92 ex 2: Creative Writing Journal #8
Wednesday: Grammar: 93-94 ex 3
Thursday: Spelling Packet 8 Due and Quiz

Monday: Grammar: 100 ex 2
Tuesday: Grammar: 101-102 ex 3: NO CURRENT EVENT
Wednesday: Grammar: 102 ex 4
Thursday: Spelling Packet 8 Due and Quiz

ENGLISH 1:  Grammar: 66-67 ex 16
Tuesday: Grammar:Verb Handout 1:  NO CURRENT EVENT 
Wednesday: Grammar: Verb Handout 2
Thursday: Spelling Packet 8 Due and Quiz

Monday: Grammar:Verb Handout 4
Tuesday: Grammar: Verb Handout 5
Wednesday: Grammar: 66-67 ex 10 NO CURRENT EVENT 
Thursday: Spelling Packet 8 Due and Quiz

Monday: Grammar: Adverb Handout 3
Tuesday: Grammar: Adverb Handout 4
Wednesday: Grammar: Preposition Handout 2: NO Current Event 
Thursday: Spelling Packet 8 Due and Quiz

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Morning Yoga

15-Minute Morning Yoga and Meditation
When? Monday-Friday 7:45-7:59am
Where: Mrs. Potas’ Room
Why? To relieve Stress and improve flexibility, all ages welcome! 
Please bring your own mat!

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

October 16th-19th 2017

OCTOBER 16th-19th 2017

Quarter 1 Ends Tuesday October 17th and PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES are Thursday October 19th!!!

Monday: Grammar: 88 Review C/D
Tuesday: Grammar: NPA # 1: Creative Writing Journal #7
Wednesday: Grammar: NPA #2
Thursday: Spelling Packet 7 Due and Quiz

Monday: Grammar: 93 Chapter Review A
Tuesday: Grammar: 94 Chapter Review B: CURRENT EVENT
Wednesday: Grammar:  97-99 ex 1
Thursday: Spelling Packet 7 Due and Quiz

ENGLISH 1:  Grammar: 64 ex 12
Tuesday: Grammar:64-65 ex 13:  CURRENT EVENT 
Wednesday: Grammar: 65-66 ex 14-15
Thursday: Spelling Packet 7 Due and Quiz

Monday: Grammar:Verb Handout 1
Tuesday: Grammar: Verb Handout 2
Wednesday: Grammar: Verb Handout 3 CURRENT EVENT 
Thursday: Spelling Packet 7 Due and Quiz

Monday: Grammar: 66-68 ex 6
Tuesday: Grammar: Adverb Handout 1
Wednesday: Grammar: Adverb Handout 2: Current Event 
Thursday: Spelling Packet 7 Due and Quiz

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Author Visit: James Galvin

WOWZA, what a fun day! Our Seniors visited Northwest College for a private reception, chat, and book signing with author James Galvin. We even found some freshmen along the way to go with us! Our students are amazing; they always make me SO proud! Love them all!!! 

October 9th-12th 2017

October 9th-12th 2017: Homecoming Week! 

Monday: Grammar: 84 Review B
Tuesday: Grammar: 85-86 Review C: Creative Writing Journal #6
Wednesday: Grammar: 87-88 Review A-B
Thursday: Spelling Packet 6 Due and Quiz

Monday: Grammar:89-90 ex 12
Tuesday: Grammar: 91 Review D: NO CURRENT EVENT
Wednesday: Grammar: 92 Review E
Thursday: Spelling Packet 6 Due and Quiz

ENGLISH 1:  Grammar: 60-61 ex 9
Tuesday: Grammar:62 ex 10: NO CURRENT EVENT 
Wednesday: Grammar: 63-64 ex 11
Thursday: Spelling Packet 6 Due and Quiz

Monday: Grammar:61-62 ex 6
Tuesday: Grammar: 62-64 ex 7
Wednesday: Grammar: 65-66 ex 9 NO CURRENT EVENT 
Thursday: Spelling Packet 6 Due and Quiz

Monday: Grammar: 63-65 ex 5
Tuesday: Grammar: 65-66 Review D
Wednesday: Grammar: 66 Review E: NO Current Event 
Thursday: Spelling Packet 6 Due and Quiz

MAY 10th-14th 2021 LAST WEEK OF HOMEWORK!!!!!!

MAY 10th-14th 2021 LAST WEEK OF HOMEWORK!!!!!!