Monday, January 29, 2018

February 5th-8th 2018

FEBRUARY 5th-8th 2018

Monday: Grammar: Parts of Speech Handout 1
Tuesday: Grammar: Parts of Speech Handout 2: Creative Writing Journal #18
Wednesday: Grammar: Parts of Speech Handout 3
Thursday: Spelling Packet 18 Due and Quiz

Monday: Grammar: 119-120 Review E
Tuesday: Grammar: 121 Review A:  YES CURRENT EVENT
Wednesday: Grammar: 122 Review B-C
Thursday: Spelling Packet 18 Due and Quiz

ENGLISH 1:  Grammar:86-87 DP A-B
Tuesday: Grammar:88 ex1: YES CURRENT EVENT 
Wednesday: Grammar:  88-90 ex 2-3
Thursday: Spelling Packet 18 Due and Quiz

Monday: Grammar:  84 ex 2-3
Tuesday: Grammar: 84-87 3-4
Wednesday: Grammar: 88-89 ex 5-6: YES CURRENT EVENT 
Thursday: Spelling Packet 18 Due and Quiz

Monday: Grammar: 368-373 ex 1-2
Tuesday: Grammar: Semi Colons 1
Wednesday: Grammar: Semi Colons 2: YES Current Event 
Thursday: Spelling Packet 18 Due and Quiz

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Good Book Alert

Need a Great Book? Here's one, AND it's a trilogy...

Testing Begins January 29th 2018

We will be testing the week of January 29th -January 31st, therefore no homework will be assigned this week! Yippie, this is a great opportunity to get caught up, or work ahead! 

Friday, January 19, 2018

January 22nd- 25th 2018

January 22nd-25th 2018

Monday: Grammar: Conjunction Handout 2
Tuesday: Grammar: Conjunction Handout 3: Creative Writing Journal #17
Wednesday: Grammar: 111-112 ex 17-Review C
Thursday: Spelling Packet 17 Due and Quiz

Monday: Grammar: Conjunction Handout 2
Tuesday: Grammar: Conjunction Handout 3: NO CURRENT EVENT
Wednesday: Grammar: 117-118 ex 16
Thursday: Spelling Packet 17 Due and Quiz

ENGLISH 1:  Grammar: Parts of Speech 3
Tuesday: Grammar:Parts of Speech 4: NO CURRENT EVENT 
Wednesday: Grammar: Parts of Speech 5
Thursday: Spelling Packet 17 Due and Quiz

Monday: Grammar:  Parts of Speech 4
Tuesday: Grammar: Parts of Speech 5
Wednesday: Grammar: 81-83 ex 1: NO CURRENT EVENT 
Thursday: Spelling Packet 17 Due and Quiz

Monday: Grammar: 364 Chapter Review B
Tuesday: Grammar: 366 DP/A
Wednesday: Grammar: 367 DP/B:NO Current Event 
Thursday: Spelling Packet 17 Due and Quiz

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

January 15th-18th 2018

JANUARY 15th-18th 2018

IN THE MIX OF 96 Begins this week! Yippie!

Monday: Grammar: 108-110 ex 14
Tuesday: Grammar: 110 ex 15: Creative Writing Journal #16
Wednesday: Grammar: Conjunction Handout 1
Thursday: Spelling Packet 16 Due and Quiz

Monday: Grammar: Preposition Handout 3
Tuesday: Grammar: 116 ex 15 : YES CURRENT EVENT
Wednesday: Grammar: Conjunction Handout 1 
Thursday: Spelling Packet 15 Due and Quiz

ENGLISH 1:  Grammar: 79-80 ex 26
Tuesday: Grammar:Parts of Speech 1: YES CURRENT EVENT 
Wednesday: Grammar: Parts of Speech 2
Thursday: Spelling Packet 16 Due and Quiz

Monday: Grammar:  Parts of Speech 1
Tuesday: Grammar: Parts of Speech 2
Wednesday: Grammar: Parts of Speech 3: YES CURRENT EVENT 
Thursday: Spelling Packet 16 Due and Quiz

Monday: Grammar: 356-359 Review C
Tuesday: Grammar: 360-362 Review D
Wednesday: Grammar: 363-364 Chapter Review A: YES Current Event 
Thursday: Spelling Packet 16 Due and Quiz

MAY 10th-14th 2021 LAST WEEK OF HOMEWORK!!!!!!

MAY 10th-14th 2021 LAST WEEK OF HOMEWORK!!!!!!