Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Helpful Homework Tips for Parents

The following tips are heading towards your mailbox! 

PARENT Tips for helping with Mrs. Potas’ ENGLISH Homework!

Greetings from the English Classroom,

Now that we are in full swing, I thought I would compile some effective tips for parents to help their kiddo(s) with the weekly English homework.  As a Mom and teacher, I know sometimes it hard to know how to best support my kids with the homework they bring home; this sheet should help!

Remember: Your child will receive 2 extra credit points for you checking and signing ALL homework assignments!!!!

Weekly Spelling Packets:

·      Check the spelling packet’s sentences: Did your child use each word in a complete sentence and spell the words correctly?
·      On the Matching: Did they match the words correctly?
·      Did they use a dictionary or for help?
·      Check the matching on the last page for correctness
·      Spelling Packets are DUE every Thursday with a quiz, you can help them Wednesday night study!


*Check their grammar homework every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday night
*Did they follow the directions and complete the assignment correctly?

Creative Writing (7th grade Only) Due every WEDNESDAY:
            *Did they writing 10 complete grade level sentences using strong verbs?
            *Did they use the week’s spelling words in their journal entry?

Current Event: (Grades 8-11 only)
            *Is it one page handwritten?
            *Is there correct MLA citation for article?
            *Are the sentences grade level and grammatically correct?
            *Ask your child to see the rubric for this assignment!

Also, please remember I blog each week’s homework assignments at And please use Infinite Campus to monitor your child’s grades and assignments to avoid surprises!

I am always here to help,

Mrs. Potas

MAY 10th-14th 2021 LAST WEEK OF HOMEWORK!!!!!!

MAY 10th-14th 2021 LAST WEEK OF HOMEWORK!!!!!!