Thursday, March 30, 2017

April 3rd-7th 2017

April 3rd-7th 2017

Monday: Grammar: 210 Review B
Tuesday: Grammar: 202-205 ex 10: Creative Writing Journal #25
Wednesday: Grammar: 205-207 ex 11
Thursday: Spelling Packet 24 Due and Quiz

Monday: Grammar: 205 ex 4
Tuesday: Grammar: 206-208 ex 5 and Review A: NO CURRENT EVENT
Wednesday: Grammar: 209-211 ex 6-7
Thursday: Spelling Packet 24 Due and Quiz

ENGLISH 1:  Semi Colon Handout 2
Tuesday: Grammar: Semi Colon Handout 3: NO CURRENT EVENT 
Wednesday: Grammar: 349-351 ex 3
Thursday: Spelling Packet 24 Due and Quiz

Monday: Grammar: 370 ex 2
Tuesday: Grammar: 371 Review A
Wednesday: Grammar: Semi Colon Handout #1:NO CURRENT EVENT 
Thursday: Spelling Packet 24 Due and Quiz

Monday: Grammar: 439-440 ex 1-2
Tuesday: Grammar: 440-441 ex 3-4
Wednesday: Grammar: 442-443 ex 5-6: NO Current Event 
Thursday: Spelling Packet 24 Due and Quiz

MAY 10th-14th 2021 LAST WEEK OF HOMEWORK!!!!!!

MAY 10th-14th 2021 LAST WEEK OF HOMEWORK!!!!!!